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CTA: Reclassifying Gender Dysphoria in the Iowa Civil Rights Code

Writer's picture: Iowans 4 FreedomIowans 4 Freedom

Advocating for the protection of women's rights and children's safety does not conflict with supporting LGBTQ+ rights.

There are 28 states that do not classify gender identity as a protected class without compromising the rights of transgender adults. This underscores the possibility of a balanced approach. The inclusion of gender identity in the Iowa Civil Rights Code in 2007 has led to unforeseen challenges in protecting Iowa's children and women's privacy and safety in vulnerable spaces. Women's rights are being violated on a daily basis in Iowa. Here is one family's story which has become all to common.

HF-2082 aims to address these issues by reclassifying gender dysphoria in a manner that respects all individuals' rights without allowing for the infringement upon the rights of others.

The following is the final reply from DMACC to a female student who expressed concerns over having to share a changing room on campus with a biological man.

"Only bathrooms/locker rooms in public elementary and secondary schools are mandated to have single-sex bathrooms, which trans students are not permitted to use. Iowa addressed this law recently, and colleges and universities were intentionally not included in the restriction.  Further, federal regulation allows for such use as well. It is the law, and I assume you are not asking DMACC to break the law. Nor are we going to start creating segregated bathrooms. We are beyond that point in our history. Please know that this will be the position at every level of the DMACC. "

Nor are we going to start creating segregated bathrooms. We are beyond that point in our history.

Women are experiencing this violation of the spaces where they are the most vulnerable all across Iowa and if they speak out they are being made to feel like they are somehow in the wrong and their rights aren't important.

This legislation promotes a respectful and comprehensive correction to the current categorization of gender dysphoria, acknowledging the importance of mental health support. Representative Jeff Shipley's introduction of the bill and Representative Steven Holt's support through the Judiciary Committee is admirable and demonstrates their commitment to addressing these complex issues and bringing common sense back to Iowa. Your support is crucial for advocating for a respectful, balanced approach to rights and safety for all Iowans.


How to support HF-2082

Read the Bill: HF-2082 removes "Gender Identity" as a protected class in the Iowa Civil Rights Code and reclassifies gender dysphoria or any condition related to a gender identity disorder to the definition of "disability".

Comment on the Bill: Share your support by leaving comments using the provided link. Your voice is crucial in this debate.

Attend the Subcommittee Meeting: If possible, join in person at the Iowa State Capitol to show your support.

January 31st, 12:00PM, Room 102

Testify Online: Utilize the web portal to make your testimony heard. Personal stories and reasoned statements for support can make a significant impact.

Email Key Legislators: Contact the subcommittee members

Also email, your house representative, Speaker of the House Pat Grassley and House Majority Leader, Matt Windschitl, to express your support. Personalized messages can be more effective. Tell them all to send this legislation to the House Floor and VOTE YES.

Share Michelle and Gabi's Story: Use the link to their interview to illustrate the real-world implications of the current legislation. Hopefully our legislators will be as brave as this family, Chloe Cole (for sharing her story) and other women who are speaking out about the violation of their rights.

Discuss the DMACC Response: The current law does hinder and make it difficult for colleges and businesses. Highlight the conversation around the necessity of safe spaces and the current law's interpretation.

Finally and most importantly Pray: Pray for all of those involved in the dialogue and those who have been affected by this troubling and challenging issue.

Your voice matters. Engage respectfully and constructively to support a bill that seeks to balance rights and ensure safety for all Iowans.

It's through intelligent and respectful dialogue that we create positive change.

But we have to show up, speak up an continually speak the TRUTH.

"Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain"

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